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Hear what our clients have to say!

"DeJuana has provided clients with an unwavering and exceptional level of customer care, high-caliber writing services (ranging from resumes to cover letters), and overall dedication towards ensuring the client left with a document structured for their field. If you're considering advancing your career with the best tools for today's job market, DeJuana would be highly recommended!" — Sean M.

“GoldenTouch Resumes is a cut above the rest! Their services went above and beyond my exceptions. Their attention to detail and ability to know the skills necessary for the current market, landed me several interviews within five days of submitting my resume. Ms. Golden’s ability to professionally word your experiences to match the job description is a talent necessary to secure a career in today’s job market. Top companies are seeking associates that possess the skills that will help them be a pivotal force in today’s workforce. Ms. Golden is in tune with the demand and what is needed to market your assets to the best of her ability. After being in the field of education for over 25 years, I had a desire to change professions. I didn’t realize how well my skill set fit into my newly desired profession. By the way, I was offered positions for both United and Delta Airlines. Ms. Golden was able to extrapolate the skills being sought from my experience of 25 years. It is clear that DeJuana “BossMom” Golden is worth her weight in gold.” — Carmen G.

“My family is very appreciative of your work. Got 4 interviews in 1 week and 2 job offers within 2 weeks.” — Kim E.


“You did an exceptional job and I do believe you are the reason I've gotten my last 3 jobs and each 1 better than the 1st. Thank you so much for your amazing job on my resume!”  — Nikeshia W.



“OMG!!! My jaw hit the floor!!! I'm so in love with your interpretation of my skills! Your highlights mesh perfectly with the directions I chose in my personal statement! Thank you so much!” — Nicole S.



“My goodness! This resume makes me look FAR more qualified than I feel! Everything you have stated is true, I have done these things but wow. I would have never presented myself in such a favorable way, I am blown away!”  — Tiare R.



“A true professional. I read my resume and by me being in management, I would hire a person that either crafted the resume or had the good sense to purchase your high quality product.”



OMG!!!!! Girl, you did the damn thang!!!! His Cover & Resume look awesome!!!! We are so blessed to have Kim link us together!! — Carmen G.


“Dejuana is a professional with high competency of experience and ability to produce extremely quality Curriculum Vitae. My 37 + years of experience in IT consulting practice which includes over 100 clients, various permanent positions at all levels of various organizations (from Programmer to Manager, Director, Vice President, and CIO), and all accompanied lengthy technical details. My biggest challenge has been to shorten this 20 pages of CV to a few pager's format. Within 2 days after consulting with my detailed inputs, DeJuana delivered a very attractive 3 pages CV that covers all important and significant accomplishments, highlighting my managerial experience yet not leaving out key technical detail points. Over the years, I have been in positions [on the other side of the fence] to review and select resumes for interview, without any reservation, I can attest that I do find my CV in a very appealing format that I would select it for a follow-up face-to-face discussion. In conclusion, I do highly recommend DeJuana quality work with expeditious timeline delivery, her constant and persistent professionalism , and her punctuality in meeting her commitments with her clients.” — Francis K.


“DeJuana's expertise in resume writing is stellar. She is gifted in helping her clients truly articulate their accomplishments and duties to recruiters. Her response time to clients is quick and reliable. Her improvements to my resume have got me moving along in the candidate pool as well. I have recommended her to other colleagues and they have had success as well.”  — Melissa M.


“First, I would like to thank you for the excellent job you did on both the cover letter and the resume.  Everything looks wonderful! It's very professional. I'm very pleased and happy with everything.” — N.P.


“I engaged Ms. Golden to revise and update both my resume and LinkedIn account. I am very delighted with the results and the work that she has done. While, at this time, I have not utilized my updated resume I have seen positive results on the update from LinkedIn since it was revised and have been approached by potential job employers with opportunities for future employment. I would highly recommend using her services.” — Casey H.


"First, thank you for the resume! Tremendously executed! Thank you so much." — Keith V.


"My resume looks wonderful and I am very happy to use your service! I love it......Thank you for the great work. I am already starting to send it off to potential employers!" — Summer W.


“LOVE LOVE LOVE my resume! You did an amazing job!”

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